3 Day Refresh & Reboot Group

Hey there!!

I am so excited to give you all the details on my 3 Day Refresh & Reboot Group! I LOVE this gentle detox because unlike traditional cleanses, this one is about EATING REAL FOOD each day! It's NOT a juice cleanse or starvation diet 🙌

I typically lose around 5 lbs in 3 days (my hubby usually loses 7-10 lbs) BUT the best perk is kicking my cravings and resetting my palate! By the last day of this detox, I'm truly OVER the candy, donuts, and pizza and feel SO good that I DON'T want to eat those foods! It's crazy effective!

Here is a video that gives a short overview of it!


An integral component to this is Shakeology, which is unlike any other shake because it's made from over 70 whole superfoods from around the world. It will replace your vitamin and probiotic, fill you up, give you natural energy, and tastes delish! Plus it helps your hair, skin, and nails! And it has nothing artificial! It is the only shake that I feel comfortable giving to my Sam!

What sets it apart is that there are NO GMOs, soy, artificial colors, sweeteners, flavors, or preservatives! It's seriously delicious and improves your energy, digestion, cravings, hair, nails, and skin. The ingredients are sourced from all over the world and the Shakeology creators regularly visit the farmers to test the soil and ensure the best farming practices are being followed.


Option 1: The ALL-IN Package

Comes with:

  • Your first 30-day supply of Shakeology (so you can MAINTAIN your results and control your cravings after the 3 days!)

  • 3-Day Refresh Kit

    • 6 Vanilla Fresh packets

    • 3 Fiber Sweep packets

    • Program Guide

  • A FREE 30-Day Trial Membership to Beachbody On Demand, which is like the Netflix of workouts and will give you streaming access to thousands of workouts, including yoga routines specifically designed to enhance your 3-Day Refresh results

    • Step-by-step program guides, program meal plans, workout calendars, expert advice, and more!

  • A private group with resources, daily tips, motivation, and a community of women doing it right alongside you so you don't feel alone! Plus you will have access to our larger fitness based accountability group this month!

>>> for $140 USD / $186 CAD

(I highly recommend this one if you want to stay on track throughout the next month and have access to our workouts!)

Option 2: The 3 DAY Package

Comes with:

  • 3-Day Refresh Complete Kit

    • 3 Vegan Shakeology packets

    • 6 Vanilla Fresh packets

    • 3 Fiber Sweep packets

    • Program Guide

  • A private group with resources, daily tips, motivation, and a community of women doing it right alongside you so you don't feel alone!

>>> for $69.95 USD / $85.95 CAD

Send me a message with which package you want!


If you are IN, shoot me a message (HollyHillyerFitness@gmail.com) with which option you want and I'll get you set up and added to our private group!



Holly Hillyer