Transform: 20

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“Conquer your mind…so you can TRANSFORM your life.”

It has been 3 years since we’ve had an entirely new workout program from Shaun T. And this time I got to be a part of his exclusive TEST GROUP! It will be available for purchase in December and with a full program release in January…it’s now time to TRANSFORM our bodies and minds in 20 minutes a day, 6 days a week, for 6 weeks!

And since I am pregnant and my waist is expanding I had to share my coaches transformation. It was so amazing being in the test group with one of my coaches and getting to experience it from the pregnancy side and through Ashley as a postpartum mama <3


What is TRANSFORM :20?

Total body workout for both the body and mind. Cardio, Strength, and Core Balance work using a Step riser. It is not step aerobics but rather a nonstop 20-minute workout to burn crazy calories, sculpt your body, and build long lean muscles. If you know Shaun T, you know he takes cardio to a whole new level of burn!

  • 20 minute workouts…yes perfect for those of us with kids at home!

  • 6 days per week

  • 6 week program

  • Modifier in every workout

  • In real time…you will never see the same workout twice! This is one of my favorite parts of these workouts…okay, I have many favorite parts but this aspect is awesome!

  • Super simple dialed in nutrition plan to help you not only achieve and sustain your goals!

When is it available?

Launches in April 2019 on Beachbody On Demand. BUT, you can get VIP Early Access in January 2019! Fill out the form below to get on my VIP List.

Who is TRANSFORM :20 for?

Everyone, especially my mamas! Shaun T created this program knowing that there are many people who just don’t have the time to work out! As a new dad (to TWINS) himself, he finds less and less time to get a workout in. This is what motivated him to create a program for EVERYONE. And if you’re thinking that 20 minutes isn’t enough for you…just you wait til your first TRANSFORM :20 workout. I speak from firsthand experience..IT IS MORE THAN ENOUGH!

When can I start Transforming?

You can join my TRANSFORM :20 Online fitness challenge January 2019 with VIP Early Access. BUT, you can start transforming your life now in one of my prep groups. Click HERE to get started on your health and fitness journey now as we prepare for TRANSFORM :20.

What equipment do I need?

The Beachbody Step

Or complete this form:

Holly Hillyer