Teething Popsicles

Greek Yogurt Raspberry Popsicles

Every mom knows the pain of teething and Sam has been no exception! So this past week, with his molars coming in, I was willing to try anything! Sam is currently obsessed with greek yogurt and frozen raspberries for breakfast so I figure I'd try mixing them together and freezing them and seeing what he thought. 

Well he LOVED them! They helped numb his gums, they weren't quite as big a mess as my breastmilk pops, and they kept him entertained for a few minutes. 

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  • Greek yogurt

  • Frozen raspberries


  1. Crush frozen raspberries into smaller pieces. This is super easy when they are frozen!

  2. Pour into molds and freeze

I feel like this is cheating even calling this a recipe haha but Sam loves it so I had to share! And if you don't have time to make these, Sam also loves the frozen raspberries on their own as a little teething treat. 

Holly Hillyer