80 Day Obsession

Ahh, it is finally here! My brand new program, 80 Day Obsession! 

And now I am looking for my FIRST group of moms to join me on this journey! This program is going to be AMAZING for all my postpartum mamas looking to tone that tummy and build that booty 💪

80 Day Obsession.png


So here are the BASIC DETAILS....

  • There are 3 phases of workouts over the course of 13 weeks. 
  • The workouts range from 45-60 minutes, and as always, there is a modifier.
  • It utilizes a timed nutrition plan to produce amazing results.
  • Shakeology, Energize, and Recover are incorporated to help fuel and replenish the body.
  • Equipment required: dumbbells, strength bands, sliders.


This program will be launched in TWO PHASES.....

Phase I will start on December 20th with 'A Little Obsessed'. This is a mini version of the program that focuses on 30 minute workouts and eating clean. This is a great way to combat holiday weight gain, get comfortable with the equipment, and prepare you for the full program releasing in Phase II all while still enjoying the holidays.

PHASE II begins on January 8th when I will spend an entire week walking you through the meal plan, the basis of timed nutrition, and helping you to design your meal plan!

Then we begin the full program on January 15th! I’ll be here to work with you one on one to help you modify the workouts as needed and ensureyou are seeing maximum results. 

Both groups will be committing to the entire 80 Day Obsession Program!


In this LAUNCH GROUP I am asking that each participant COMMIT to...

  • Showing up daily and participating in the group.
  • Following the timed nutrition plan for your body type and goals.
  • Replacing 1 meal a day with my superfoods shake, Shakeology, for the duration of the group
  • Utilizing the strength bands and sliders for best results.
  •  I must be your assigned coach.

I also highly recommended the Performance Line supplements to take your results up a notch! 

Energize is the only way I have been able to motivate myself for daily morning workouts after not sleeping the last 16 months! 

And Recover has seriously kept me moving after those hard workouts....yes, those first postpartum workouts were hard 💪


This is a BETA TEST GROUP which means you will be the FIRST to go through the program AND you have the opportunity to win $500 for completing the program and submitting your results!
I am looking for women who are seriously committed, ready to make a change, and want to see BIG results! 

80 Day Obsession results


If you are a NEW CUSTOMER.....



The perfectionist (BEST VALUE) 

Are you ready to go ALL IN?! If so, this one is for you! This is going to ensure you get your best results  to feed your body with the best fuel possible. This challenge pack includes EVERYTHING you need for the ENTIRE duration of the program – plus you save $275.


The committed

This challenge pack includes everything you need to START the program and you still save $200!  This is for those of you who are looking to try Energize and Recover for the first month versus going all in for the full 3 months. 






If you are a current customer who already has Beachbody On Demand…


The perfectionist (BEST VALUE) 

I am so excited to be able to offer this package to my current BOD members! It seriously offers the best value. You get everything you need for the program (assuming you already have BOD) AND you save $205. If your BOD is about to expire OR you don’t have it, check out the first packages listed.


The commited

Ready to see what you can accomplish going all in for one month? Then this package is for you. You still save $130 and you get everything you need for month 1!!



And for those of you joining the Launch Group we are offering a pre-launch discount! If you order your 80 Day Obsession Challenge Pack between December 14th and January 14th, you’ll automatically get $10 off! 

Ready to get started on your best year yet?!

Complete my application to reserve your spot in my upcoming Launch Group! I am so excited to work together! 

Application here >>>   http://bit.ly/80DOLaunchGroup


Holly Hillyer